


A Little Information About Myself

I have always dreamed of writing ever since I was a child, but I never had the courage to do it until now. I took some college courses in writing, thirty some odd years ago, but never followed through. Even a small part of me is still afraid, but I am getting older (call it a mid-life crisis), and I need to face my fears and try to finally live my dream.

I have more children than you can count on one hand and almost too many grandchildren to count on your fingers and toes (I am proud of them all). I've been married for longer than I have been an adult (teens back then). 

I served in the Army. Done lots of different jobs and professions (whatever paid the bills).

I am an ordained minister but I don't believe it's right to push my beliefs onto anyone. Everyone has to find their own path. A minister is a just a guide and not the absolute authority.

My favorite genre of books is science fiction and fantasy. I like any kind of music that gets your heart pumping and I don't like most slow music (although some love songs from the eighties are okay). I'm addicted to video games. I'd rather play a game than watch TV.

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